Crack Yak XL - II quality in print


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There are minor printing defects on the model, such as light soiling, striping, or a black EPP ball in places. All defects are cosmetic and do not affect the quality of construction and flight performance.

The biggest version of the legendary Chris Jewett designed model. With legacy of all the good features of it's predecessors, especially the incredible agility and neutral control response, this model is probably the best one in this size. The full flying stab adds some extra spice to all the possible maneuvers you can fly with it, including loops practically around it's center of gravity.

With tuned down control throws this will be still a smooth and docile 3D trainer for pilots who have just emerged from their beginner phase.

Key Features

  • wingspan 1080 mm
  • length 1120 mm
  • AUW 750 - 850 g
  • motor 100 - 120 g outrunner
  • ESC 35 - 45 A / 4s
  • servos 4x 14 - 18 g
  • battery 3s - 4s 1300 - 1800 mAh
  • propeller 10 - 11"

  • Kit including landing gear and hardware, without equipment set - see photo

Recommended equipment sets (motor, servos, ESC, propeller, batteries) can be found below in accessories.
